Why migrating geese and other birds use V-formation?
You too must have seen when geese are migrating they use V formation, but have you ever given a thought why geese use the V-formation? Although the sight must have made you passionate, I am sure that it has not made most of you think why they fly like that. Scientists have discovered the answer my friends… And it has some powerful implications for all of us!
Scientists have discovered that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a V-formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew it own it says. The one in the point will have to face the maximum resistance. The lead geese will take this place. For the sake of his team members the leader faces the hardships.
The lead rotates back in the wing when he gets tiered, and another goose flies point. It pays turns doing hard jobs. It teaches us that “Don’t let people keep doing a repetitive job until they are either too tiered to quality work or bored. Change the tasks vary the assignments. Move form one factor to another .It will increase productivity”.
Each time a goose falls out of formation it rapidly feels a drag and resistance as it no longer benefits from the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. This shows how every member’s effort is important in a team. Every time you experience the excitement of knowing that “Everyone did their best” you realizes the importance of this lesson.
These geese hoot from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. An encouraging word goes a long way. Encouragement is more than cheerleading. Ultimately, it comes down to the hard cold question: “Do I really want to succeed?” If I do, I will have to show not only the ways I speak about you and do things for you even when nobody knows but me.
When a goose gets sick, or is wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help him and protect him. They will stay with him until he is either able to fly or dies, then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with the group. This is an influential lesson for us. Loyalty helps individuals and strengthens the group. “I” is the most impotent word and “We” is the most powerful word in English language. “I realize I need you I believe our accomplishment potential is now doubled or tripled or 100 times greater, depending upon the total number of our team. You can count on me just as I count on you. Together there are no limits for us.” that is the power of teamwork!
Humans, like geese, can work together and support one another. When we encourage each other and support our leaders we can accomplish amazing things; much more than trying to work alone.
So next time u see geese migrating there is not so trivial question to ask yourself; teamwork: convenience or endurance?
This is based on the written material and the knowledge I gained from a seminar on teamwork. I hope this is an excellent lesson the nature has taught us…