Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am waiting...

Tear in my eye, it is the last thing you wanted to see
But today...? you have left a tear in my eye
I don’t have you here with me today
I cried out loud and asked why I am so unlucky?

With my memory, I evoke you
I called to the empty space, but there is no respond
Where are you? why cant you see how much I miss you?
With a tear I recall, just the memories remain!

Memories which will not fade away
Where I was happy, because of you...
Because of your love! you loved me... Cherished me…
Today..? You are not here

No one is there for me to call as I called you
No one can ever take your place either
With all my memories I look at the empty space
To find where you are…


Anonymous said...

wts d font?

stepping stone said...

can read now..its beautiful gal..very touching too..y all this sadness?

DoT [ . ] said...

thanks dal..well I miss some one.. hope you know that